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optical computing中文是什么意思

用"optical computing"造句"optical computing"怎么读"optical computing" in a sentence


  • 光计算
  • 光学计算


  • Advances are promising to make optical computing a reality
  • The photo - addressed light crystal light valve ( lclv ) is a high performance spatial light modulator . it is not only used in displays , but also widely used in optical information processing , optical computing and other information systems
  • It has many potential applications , including self - adaptive optics , optical computing and optical communications , image processing and real - time holography . in this thesis , we investigate the properties of the phase - conjugate wave produced by the self - pumped in cu : knsbn crystal and by the four - wave mixing in cr : sbn crystal
  • Meanwhile , it will parallel work in space and time . at the present time , the theory of ternary optical computer has received many attentions from state , university and school . but it is vital to the new type computer that to validate the correctness of this theory , so we must mend and perfect step by step the ternary optical compute theory through experiments
用"optical computing"造句  


Today's computers use the movement of electrons in-and-out of transistors to do logic. Optical or Photonic computing is intended to use photons or light particles, produced by lasers or diodes, in place of electrons.
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